“Only about 16% of High School Students Get Financial Education”
CustodialAccounts.com Wants to Change That
CustodialAccounts.com is a publication of TeenBusiness Media. Since 1999, TeenBusiness Media has been the publisher of the only comprehensive news and information portal for young investors called TeenVestor.com, and a portal for teen entrepreneurs, TeenBusiness.com.
CustodialAccounts.com addresses the needs of parents and their effort to help their kids become more financially literate through investing.
These parents are well aware of the dismal statistics about kids and financial literacy.
A study by Next Gen Personal Finance, which covered about 11,000 U.S. high schools and 13 million students, found that only about 1 in 6 students are required to take a personal finance course in order to graduate.
CustodialAccounts.com, was created by Emmanuel Modu -- co-author of three books about young investors and entrepreneurs:
Mad Cash: A First Timer's Guide to Investing $30 to $3,000 (formerly published by Penguin/Perigee);
TeenVestor: The Practical Investment Guide for Teens and Their Parents (formerly published by Penguin/Perigee and now published by TeenBusiness Media); and
The Lemonade Stand: A Guide To Encouraging The Entrepreneur In Your Child (formerly published by Bob Adams Inc.).
He has appeared on many television programs on CNBC, and in many publications such as The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Morningstar.com, Money.com, BusinessWeek Online, and many other media outlets that have sought his views on encouraging young investors.
Emmanuel Modu graduated from the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School after receiving his undergraduate degree from Princeton University.